日時: 2008年2月25日(月)13:00-17:10
会場: 国立情報学研究所 12階会議室(アクセス)
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13:00-13:10 開会の挨拶
13:10-14:25 特別講演
共催:慶應義塾大学 論理学とフォーマルオントロジーオープンリサーチセンター オントロジー部門
An introduction to formal ontological analysis
Nicola Guarino (ISTC)
Ontological analysis can be defined as the process of eliciting and discovering relevant distinctions and relationships bound to the very nature of the entities involved in a certain domain. In this talk I will review the basic conceptual tools we can use for ontological analysis, based on general notions such as essence, identity, unity, dependence, quality, quantity, constitution (the main chapters of so-called "Formal Ontology"), mentioning as well the role of Linguistic Analysis, based on the analyisis of differences and similarities in linguistic structures. I will show how understanding and formalizing these distinctions has a big impact on the quality of information systems, especially in the light of interoperability issues. I will conclude with a plea for "ontology-aware" new-generation representation formalisms, built on general constructs with a clear ontological commitment, differently from current "ontology neutral" formalisms.
14:25-14:50 SIG-SWO-A702-01
小出誠二, 武田英明 (国立情報学研究所, 総合研究大学院大学)
発表資料: (85.3KB, updated 2008.02.26 20:00)
14:50-15:05 休憩
15:05-15:40 SIG-SWO-A702-02
上田俊夫 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学), 山口高平 (慶應義塾大学), 池田満 (北陸先端科学技術大学院大学)
発表資料: (215.9KB, updated 2008.02.23 20:00)
15:40-16:15 SIG-SWO-A702-03
遠藤諭, 古崎晃司, 溝口理一郎 (大阪大学)
発表資料: (391.8KB, updated 2008.02.22 00:00)
16:15-16:40 SIG-SW4O-A702-04
Network-Centric Healthcare Ontology Model
萩原孝信 (日本大学大学院), 五太子政史 (情報セキュリティ大学院大学)
According to the Health Promotion Law executed from 2008, it would be discussed critically more sophisticated robust healthcare database and data mining between healthcare providers and clients in the aspect of asymmetry in healthcare. We propose an innovative concept of Network-Centric-Healthcare ontology model using shared situation awareness and self-synchronization.
発表資料: (107.3KB, updated 2008.02.22 00:00)
16:40-17:05 SIG-SWO-A702-05
飯野由里江 (九州大学大学院), 山田泰寛, 廣川佐千男 (九州大学)
発表資料: (74.6KB, updated 2008.02.22 00:00)
17:05-17:10 閉会の挨拶