第25回SWO研究会 発表募集
■主催:人工知能学会 セマンティックウェブとオントロジー(SWO)研究会
■協賛:The International Association for Ontology and its Applications(IAOA)(予定)
■締切:発表申込:2011年 9月16日(金)[延長しました]
今回の研究会では,特別企画として,海外でご活躍されているオントロジー およびセマンティックウェブ研究の第一人者をお招きしての2件の招待講演を 行います.
一般発表では,これらの招待講演を軸として,広い意味でのオントロジーと セマンティックウェブに関する研究,および,その他一般の研究を幅広く募 集致します.
なお,特別講演は英語で行われますが,一般発表は原稿/発表とも日本語で 結構です(英語での原稿/発表も歓迎致します).
いつもの通り発表時間枠もご自身で選択して頂けますので,以下の発表申し 込みフォームを用いて,9月9日(金)までに,ぜひ気軽に,奮ってお申し 込みください.
今回の研究会では,オントロジーに関する国際学会 IAOA の協賛セッション として,以下の2件の特別招待講演を予定しております.
Stefano Borgo 氏は,IAOA の President である Nicola Guarino 氏が率 いるイタリア 認知科学研究所 応用(applied)オントロジー研究室の中核メン バーで,Top-level ontology として有名な DOLCE の開発の中心的人物です. 今回はその DOLCE の基本的思想などをわかりやすく述べて頂く予定です.
Key-Sun Choi 教授は,韓国 KAIST の情報科学科長で,Semantic Web Research Center を創設し率いておられ,また,ISWC 2007 のPC Co-Chair も務められるなど, 韓国の SW 研究の第一人者です.今回のご講演ではオントロジー・SW(open linked data)・自然言語処理技術に基づいた応用事例についてお話頂く予定です.
基盤的オントロジーと応用アプリケーションという2つの研究領域における 世界のトップ研究者によるご講演です.この機会にぜひご発表・ご参加ください.
"Foundational ontology: principles and goals of DOLCE"
Stefano Borgo (LOA, ISTC-CNR, Italy)
Abstract: We present the DOLCE foundational ontology with some emphasis on the underlying intuitions and overall structure. Besides an introduction to the main categories, we will describe some parts of the ontology that characterize the flexibility of this system e.g. the choice of classifying space and time as qualities. If time permits, we will conclude with some general comment on modularity in ontology engineering.
CV:Stefano Borgo is researcher at the Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA) of the ISTC, an institute of the Research National Council (ITALY). He studied mathematics and computer science both in Italy and the USA. His works concentrates on ontology, space representation, engineering design and multi-agent systems. He teaches AI courses at the University of Trento and the Free University of Bolzano.
"Coordinate Computing for Meeting Time and Location from Announcements"
Key-Sun Choi (KAIST, Department of Computer Science and Division of Web Science and Technology, Korea)
Abstract: This aims to extract meeting time, its geographical coordinates and participants from messages about meeting announcement, then update personal online schedule like google calendar. We define the terms or phrases that are related with the meeting entities and context as a 'token', and model them through NLP analysis, ontological reasoning and open linked data use like online maps. The first problem is to extract the meeting location and temporal information. The second problem is to find its starting/ending times and geographical addresses against the extracted text entities and to disambiguate among found candidates. But the targeted location coordinate can be found by semantic computing of layers of linked data and text analysis.
・DongHyun Choi, Eun-Kyung Kim, Key-Sun Choi: Boundary detection of multiple related temporal duration of schedules in email.K-CAP 2011: 97-104
・DongHyun Choi, Eun-Kyung Kim, Sang-Ah Shim, Key-Sun Choi, Intrinsic Property-based Taxonomic Relation Extraction from Category Structure, ONTOLEX 2010, 2010.
・Eun-kyung Kim, Matthias Weidl, Key-Sun Choi, Metadata Synchronization between Bilingual Resources: Case Study in Wikipedia, Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web, WWW2010, 2010.
CV:Dr. Key-Sun Choi is a tenured full professor and the head of Computer Science Department at KAIST, Korea. He founded and directs Semantic Web Research Center. He had been a researcher in NEC C&C Lab of Japan, CSLI of Stanford University, and NHK Broadcasting Lab. His areas of expertise are natural language processing, ontology and knowledge engineering, semantic web, and language resources for Korean and multilingual application. He had served the President (2009-2010) of AFNLP (Asia Federation of Natural Language Processing) and now the secretary of ISO/TC37/SC4 for language resource management standards since 2002.
His recent works are about the linked data creativity and utilization such as information synchronization in Wikipedia context, and ontology-supported information management. The main issue is about how to gather the human knowledge encoded in the documents, analyze its knowhow, and provide them for individual’s requirement depending on the users’ knowledge and the requiring levels of the cultural and regional weights. The other issue is about extracting temporal and locational information from messages among individuals like meeting time and place using the text analysis and linked data.
研究会:第25回 SWO研究会
送付先: sigswo@ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp までご送付ください.
・http://sigswo.org/forAuthors.html の原稿作成要領に従って,発表番号(ボリューム)情報・ページ番号を付記した原稿(A4,2-10頁,PDFファイル)を作成し, sigswo@ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp までご送付ください.
なお、原稿のWeb上での公開について特別な配慮が必要な場合(知財権のある 場合など)は,発表申し込み時にその旨をお知らせください.
sigswo@ ei.sanken.osaka-u.ac.jp ,までお願いいたします.